Friday, October 22, 2010

Becoming a squirrel.

Charles Munce had it right, adventure is out there.  I have found an adventure that I am most certainly going to do someday.  I will become a flying squirrel. Of course the only problem is that this is impossible.  So I will do the next best thing.  I will get in one of the specially made suits that give you the ability to be like a flying squirrel and glide to the ground.

I was in my Socratic seminar class when i learned of this lovely creation.  Mr. Dowdle told us about it and showed us a video of it.  You get in a suit that makes you all webbed and jump off a cliff to glide right next to the rocks at 100 miles an hour.  You can be like a foot away from the ground and not touch it because you just have that much control.  Then when you start getting close to the ground you pull your parachute and land gently from the best experience of your life.

It is now on my bucket list.  I will jump off a cliff in a flying squirrel suit shouting "ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE!!"

Monday, October 4, 2010


I called this blog A bucket full of sand for what I think is a hilarious reason.  But you don't get it because it's an inside joke.  So I have decided to enlighten you and tell you this joke.  It goes like this.  Dania used to take me to early morning seminary and the first thing she would do, even before she started driving was turn on the radio.  There was a time where every morning they would play the song "Two Pina Coladas."  But this short time of listening to the pina colada song on the way to seminary did not last long enough for me to learn the words.  So instead of singing:
"So bring me two pina coladas
One for each hand
Let's set sail with Captin Morgan
And never leave dry land"
           I would sing:
"Two pina coladas
One for each hand
We'll set sail for California
In a bucket full of Sand!"
And I would sing this over and over again and I would just start laughing hysterically at my own joke. So that's what I titled my blog. It will forever make me laugh.